The rip-offs of 80’s figures has gone to a point that no matter how hard you are trying to portrait the characters, they are just insignificant, even annoying…
nimona变身monster时最打动我感觉看到了自己内心的“怪物”——那个不被接受的自己 I don't know what's scarier, the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart...or that sometimes, I just wanna let' em. 受伤的nimona就像破碎的我以最可怖的样子长途跋涉将心脏刺向最初伤害自己的最爱的人举起的那把剑真的很戳我但这里也最离谱nimona重建得太快也牺牲得太草率就因为男主向她道歉一个给子凭什么如果是为了格洛瑞丝牺牲我还能理解如果是双女主就好看了但不妨碍我爱nimona鬼FU动漫全集无删减在线观看风希望能出双女主的番外