大概是五季以来写得最好的季终总结/Lena Dunham个人陈述: I can only control the mayhem that I create around me. But the crazy thing is that when I showed up, I heard screaming and I heard my name and I heard madness. And I knew that I was free, at least for tonight.
最初是为jonny而看了前2集manny挂了就弃了最近为Fury补课就想顺便把它补完收获还不少开心太爱basilone了:'( 不光是jonny+joe teague的关系因为刚出时看过101当时就对basilone印象很深可游动漫这次刷整的简直虐崩T T 其实已经做得不错了太平洋太惨烈不如欧洲战场好串